Tag Archives: coffee

My blog hiatus

I had to take a step back from writing this blog, it sucked, but I needed the time to find my inner writer. I have a mommy blog, and I didn’t want this to turn into a copy of my other blog. My aim is for this blog to be a little more mature than just what chicka ate for dinner, lol. So I took a step back and did some searching, I’m not actually sure that the blog in my head is all the way done evolving but I figure, what the hell, I want to write. So if anyone actually reads this, I do apologize in advance if it is all over the place. Honestly that’s pretty close to how my brain works most times, I never know where my thought process will take me from one day to the next. That’s probably why I have yet to actually finish writing any of the 40 or so books I have started over the years. Sounds good one day, but on the reread it’s all crap.

I will try to keep this from being all crap, but I’m not making any promises. If you have anything to add to anything I post, please feel free. Constructive criticism is always welcome. I will more than likely be posting some of my writings from time to time. If you have any ideas, or as I said any criticism or even praise, please feel free to leave comments(especially the praise, lol) but please do it in a tactful manner. I am not perfect, neither is my writing, I know this. I love to write, and hope that by sharing my thoughts and my writing I can meet some new and interesting people.

Though I have had earlier posts, this is the first post in this new direction.  I am really looking forward to having a place that I can be a grown-up, even if it’s just chatting with my computer, and hopefully some of you. 😛 Hope you all had a safe and wonderfully intoxicated St Patty’s Day!!!!!